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Sunday, November 21, 2010

Almost 1 month without blogging again. Can't blame me, since there's nothing much to blog about anyway. The holidays are here, and apparently I'm rotting at home, as usual. Completed my homework, only left with the revising of next year's school syllabus.

Anyway, went to do History project with Zhi Xuan and Siti today. We had to go around taking photographs of the Fullerton Hotel, Boat Quay and other places, plus, we got the chance to enter the Asian Civilisations Museum. It was quite cool, really, because I've never been to a museum before in my entire life. I managed to learn more stuffs from the 1 hour trip to the museum.

Let's just say the whole project took about 2-3 hours to complete. Sounds easy, yes, but it's really exhausting to walk from the one place to another. I kinda liked the Supreme Court, because it looked cool, and the Fullerton Hotel, because it was so grand on the inside. I was physically and mentally drained after that, and hardly got any energy to stand. And thanks to the hill, which I had to climb to reach my house, I reached home twice as slow as I would have on a normal schoolday.

That's just part of it. I still have to upload the picture, find a blogskin and stuffs, which, unfortunately, requires lots of time. And what, with all the upcoming trainings on every Mon, Wed and Fri, which lasts 8 hours, I think I hardly have any time to go online. But still, I'll find time to complete this project once and for all. Sigh.

Oh, and for once, I'm not going to upload the photographs on the blog, to prevent plagiarism. I don't know who will read my blog and rip off the photographs, but it's safer to just keep the photos to myself and my group members. I'm looking forward to the upcoming friends' gathering and the watching of the latest Harry Potter movie at the cinema with my family. I hope time quickly passes by so I can have more fun in the weeks to come.

Just remembered that our seniors had organised a chalet at Pasir Ris for the badminton team not long ago. It was quite fun to spend time with the seniors to play card games like tai-ti, ugly doll and stress. The nightwalk on the second day ended really quickly, because we were in a dark and unfamiliar environment. It wasn't as scary as it seemed somehow, but I almost fell into a pit. Almost. The 'ghosts' didn't freak me out at all, haha. There was a BBQ before that, and I can tell that a lot of people didn't cook their own food before on a BBQ pit, because most of the food appeared to be burnt. 0.0 But at least the food was edible.

We all slept quite late on both nights; I was one of the earliest. I slept at 3am on both nights, while the others slept at around 4am. First night sucked, I couldn't get to sleep, but the second night was heaven. I slept throughout, heh. Oh, and we also went to Orchid Bowl to play bowling during one of our free breaks, and let's just say I didn't score as good as I did during one of the friends' gathering the other time. Went back on the third day, could have spent the time on the MRT sleeping, but thanks to the two girls who made so much noise on the MRT, my sleep pretty much got interrupted.

So yeah, that's about all. Signing off.

" There's a time
When the operation of the machines becomes odious
Makes you so sick at heart
That you can't take part
That you can't passively take part
And you got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop."

To save face
How low can you go
Talk a lot of game but yet you don't know
Static on the way make us all say whoa
The people up top push the people down low
Get down
And obey every word
Steady getting mine if you haven't yet heard
Wanna take what I got don't be absurd
Don't fight the power nobody gets hurt
If you haven't heard yet then I'm letting you know
There ain't shit we don't run when the guns unload
And no one make a move unless my people say so
Got everything outta control
Now everybody go

Steel unload final blow
We the animals take control
Hear us now clear and true
Wretches and kings we come for you

So keep pace how slow can you go
Talk a lot of shit and yet you don't know
Fire on the way make you all say whoa
The people up top and the people down low
Get down
And I'm running it like that
The front of the attack is exactly where I'm at
Somewhere in between the kick and the hi hat
The pen and the contract
The pitch and the contact
So get with the combat I'm letting 'em know
There ain't shit you can say to make me back down no
So push the button let the whole thing blow
Spinning everything outta control
Now everybody go

Linkin Park ftw!

Entered The Dark Horizon At [5:18 PM] Sharp.


Monday, October 25, 2010

HELLO. I'm finally back. =D I was so lazy to update my blog, lalalala. Exams are over, so I've got ample time to update. =)

So yeah, lots of things happened. 0.0 Of course, every school got their SA2. I don't know whether to be happy with my results, because my english detoriated, while my maths and science both got A. I was surprised, really. Maths was so hard it seemed impossible to get an A. But yeah, better to expect the unexpected, eh? =D

Currently having ICT. Simple stuff, really. Maybe it's a good thing; I don't have to do PT. It's freezing cold in here. Yeah, you get my point. Haha. =D Let's digress a bit.

THE HAZE IS REALLY ANNOYING. It didn't have any effect on me, but when the PSI shot up to 108, I couldn't really see anything. And because of that, we didn't have PE. Instead, some career talk was given. It was okay, but a complete waste of time.

School ends at 12.30 this week. Cool, isn't it? Holidays starts on Thursday, but we still have badminton training. At least there's something to do during the holidays. I'm currently learning yoyo and magic tricks just to kill time, and so far I think I've done quite a good job. More practice will help. =)

There're no homework and stuff for primary school pupils, so good for them. We have HMT and History project to do, sigh. Update some time later, need to log off now. Signing off.

Entered The Dark Horizon At [3:31 PM] Sharp.


Thursday, September 02, 2010

It's now that I realise that getting back the results might be a good thing. My English got an A1, yay! I knew I could count on my English, heh. Science was horrible. I think I got a B4, but it was an improvement at least, so I guess I should cheer up a bit. =) My HMT results are acceptable, I guess, A2, but I think i could have gotten higher marks. So far, no Cs, 2 A1s, 1A2 and 1 B4. Omg, maths, don't pull me down...I don't want to get a C grade. AHHHH!

Went out with CZ yesterday to the library to revise our homework. I didn't know it was so hard to find a seat in the library, and we even went to the Jurong library. We went up and down to find a seat, but the library was so packed, so we took the MRT to the library at Lot 1. It wasn't any better there, but then we just found an empty seat, so we just sat down and did our homework. After that, we went to Food Junction to have a little snack, but I ended up eating CZ's laksa, and went home very full. Don't get me wrong, he couldn't handle the spiciness, and we just shared among us so that it's not wasteful.

Anyway, let's just hop my maths results isn't as bad as I thought it would be. And maybe, I should just study a bit, because I got higher results for subjects I didn't really study, and got quite low results for subject I studied very hard for.

Ohhhhh-yeah, yeah
It's alright, oh it's alright
You know what they say
Life ain't always easy and everyday
We're survivors
So forget the day
It's all about tonight act a fool and start a riot, a riot, be a rebel
Bottles popping til we can't stand
We keep it rocking til 6 am
New York to London over to Japan

Turn it up .. Turn it up.. Mash it up
We gonna party like
Party like, like it's the end of the world
We gonna party like, like it's 2012
You know that it doesn't matter as long as we got each other

Turn it up.. Turn it up .. Mash it up
It ain't the end of the world
Gonna live like it's the end of the world
Gonna party like
Turn it up... Turn it up... Mash (yeah) it up
It ain't the end of the world

Nah, simile's, metaphors and we pop pills
Sick flow inundated with the doc bills
Work hard, now we know how to top bills
In the middle of the street doing cartwheels
Lot of them trying to do it but its not real
Wasn't a rapper then I could get a pop deal
White clothes and a hot pink hot wheels
Lot of bottles and a lot of booty cocktails
Uh, days of our lives
You wink it goes by
So we'll just get it with no Edison
Anything goes so no time for closed minds
And free my little weezy
And lets just get right
Young Money, Cash Money in the building
Let's go the World ends tonight

Have a drink with me
And let's make tonight go down
In history, in history yeahh
Let's play make believe
It's the last 24 hours and this whole world is ours
Eternally, eternally


Entered The Dark Horizon At [3:08 PM] Sharp.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY! I feel so guilty for not going back to BTPS, for some reason. Got creative writing course, was quite okay, although I was seriously freezing in there. I could have went back, but I didn't have lunch, so I met Clement at the bus stop and we went to eat McDonalds at West Mall today.

Today's Teacher's Day celebration was quite okay. I only liked the first band, which sang '21 Guns'. The other two bands were bearable, though they need to touch up on their singing, no offense. I didn't know we've got so much teachers, but oh well, at least the celebration is more fun than expected.

Yesterday, we had the fitness assessment. Was quite easy, I passed all the stations, but I think next session would be harder for sure. Sec 1 very slack, seniors were worse off than us. We only had to do 10 push ups in 10 secs, skip 60 counts of rope in a min and do 10 crunches in 10s. Were supposed to have suicide runs too, but the area was too restricted.

And I also got back my history CA1 results. I got second! So happy, yay! ~ But I think I better not get to arrogant, for the fear my results will pummel down later in SA2. But I think I've done pretty well. I just hope the rest of the tests won't disappoint me, especially for maths.

Tomorrow is a holiday, and my schedule is tightly packed of fun activities. Friends, ftw! =)

There's a place downtown,
Where the freaks all come around.
It's a hole in the wall.
It's a dirty free for all.

When the dark
Of the night comes around.
That's the time,
That the animal comes alive.
Looking for
Something wild.

And now we lookin' like pimps
In my gold Trans-Am.
Got a water bottle full of whiskey
In my handbag.
Got my drunk text on
I'll regret it in the morning
But tonight
I don't give a
I don't give a
I don't give a

There's a place downtown,
Where the freaks all come around.
It's a hole in the wall.
It's a dirty free for all.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.

There's a place I know
If you're looking for a show.
Where they go hardcore
And there's glitter on the floor.

And they turn me on.
When they Take It Off.
When they Take It Off.
Everybody Take It Off.

Entered The Dark Horizon At [4:04 PM] Sharp.


Saturday, August 28, 2010

Woah, I actually never posted for a month. Got tons of homework, common tests and I'm trying hard on my studies this term. So far, so good, I haven't failed anything, and all my results are improving, especially science. During my free time, I was watching anime, playing Mardek, and listening to songs, so I was kinda lazy to post anyway, but now, I'm back, aren't I?

Let's see...I've got a tear in my muscle. Which sucks, because there's a fitness test on Monday. And it's really important as it decides who will stay in the school team and who will not. Of course, I want to stay in the school team, I mean who doesn't, but I have no idea when my injury will heal. Even a bit of walking hurts, so I have to limp, literally. Sigh...I hope it heals soon.

Oh, and I've just finished my common tests. Science was okay, chinese was hard. The passage given was easy to understand, but the questions were hard to give the answers. English, was the easiest for me, maths was okay, slightly harder than science, but wasn't as hard as I thought, while history was slightly hard. Guess I'm going to die when I get back my results. What was annoying was that I memorised so much for science, and none of the facts I remembered came out. Haiz...

Which reminded me. I got second for my photosynthesis test, and first for transport in living things. I think that's worth a celebration, but I'm not going to get it over my head, because pride goes before a fall, heh. =D I've learnt that the hard way, believe me.

Next Tuesday is the Teacher's Day Celebration, and I can't go back, sadly. School ends at 12.30, and at 1, I've got a creative writing programme. I hope I have someone who can help me pass my presents to the teachers.

I'm missing out on a lot of things, but I think I shall go now, I've been doing my project since morning. And I promise I'll update my blog more often.

Na na naii

Watch me while I stand here

Watch my feet, my stance, my body language

I’m not someone to be messed with

I’m a fox on a mission

You know you’re challenging the best here

It’s gonna be real hard

But I’m gonna be okay

As long as I try real hard

I’m always gonna find my way

I’ma find my way

I’ma stand up like a soldier

I’ma get them till it’s over

I’ll keep marching to the beat

Till there’s bruises on my feet

Now I’m falling to my knees

‘Cause I’m gonna take this all the way

It’s now or never

I’ll break what’s in my way

I’ma stand up like a soldier

Tonight I’m gonna take over

Cause I know everything’s gonna be alright

Now you’re standing here right by my side

And we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on

Ain’t gonna work for life when we know we can dance on

Everything’s gonna be okay

The streets will lighten up my way

So we dance on, dance on, we gonna dance on

Ain’t gonna work for life when we know we can dance on


Entered The Dark Horizon At [5:24 PM] Sharp.


Saturday, July 03, 2010

Sorry blog, for neglecting you :(. I didn't have time to accompany you during the holidays. Gomenasai. Hope you forgive me =).

Anyway, let's just say the holidays kinda sucked for me, because I have to take the bus from here to some other random locations just to dedicate my time for the projects. PROJECTS not PROJECT, so don't go around saying that I have way too little homework. I had HMT, science, history and one other subject which I cannot remember, but I have to admit that all of them were pretty good. Of course, we went to Langkawi too, from 12-15 June. In short, the trip was quite fun, but my sister was sick after. Think it was stomach flu. We took lots of pictures, but there was about 400+ of them, so I don't really want to post them all here. And the places we went, I am too lazy to type them all out too, haha. There was also badminton training during the holidays, so I had to chiong my homework at the last week. Especially MATHS. Next time I will screw you.

When school reopened, I was like OMG and excited at the same time, but now after 1 week, I am really lethargic. I NEED SLEEP. Plus the fact that there are trainings at Saturdays where I am supposed to wake up late, but it was okay, I guess. OH OH OH and there was still this swimming programme during our PE sessions, which was quite fun, I admit, but then after that almost everyone was inattentive in class (I was one of them). Exhausting. When we were due to board on the bus, some of my classmates and friends got scoldings from the teacher-in-charge. Vicki's phone was confiscated in the process, but that was only because the teacher was unreasonable.

MONDAY IS YOUTH DAY. YAY, NO SCHOOL! =D. The homeworks given are a piece of cake, except for science. Btw, yesterday, we had this bio test, and the things tested weren't taught to us, so I am prepared to fail. OSMOSIS, screw you.

I came to dance, dance, dance, dance
I hit the floor
'Cause that's my, plans, plans, plans, plans
I'm wearing all my favorite
Brands, brands, brands, brands
Give me space for both my hands, hands, hands, hands
Ye, ye
Cause it goes on and on and on
And it goes on and on and on


I throw my hands up in the air sometimes
Saying AYO
Gotta let go
I wanna celebrate and live my life
Saying AYO
Baby, let's go

'Cause we going to rock this club
We gonna to go all night
We gonna to light it up
Like it's dynamite
'Cause I told you once
Now I told you twice
We gonna light it up
Like it's dynamite

P.S All the mangas are getting exciting, except for Naruto. That goes for the animes too.

P.S.S Doing quiz tomorrow. Yay. I have no life, lol.

Entered The Dark Horizon At [5:22 PM] Sharp.


Monday, June 07, 2010

Countdown...5 more days to Langkawi! ~ And I haven't really done my homework yet, so must chiong like crazy. Still have a lot of project to do, all meet up at Jurong library. So far from my house...

Today, all of us kena scolded by Mr Chun. I wasn't there at the competition, but I heard we lost badly. I dunno how long the lecture/scolding lasted, but the hall was really quiet. Training time, couldn't hit the shuttle properly for some reason, so get owned 15-8 when playing match with Yun Ling. So exhausted, but still haven't die yet. Hope Wednesday training not so tiring (though I doubt so).

Eh...yesterday went Jurong library do HMT project with Hao Jun, Vicki, Han Sheng and Brian. Meet at PEPS bus stop, late by 10 minutes, missed the first bus (I have to transfer). Reached interchange, walk so far to the library, then Han Sheng went missing. Spent so much time finding him. At last, went to 3rd storey and wrote script.

Went to toilet to film, but then realised the attire was wrong so we ended the filming. Bought brownie from the cafe, lent Hao Jun some money, reached home around 5. 17 June have to continue filming, I think from 11:30 onwards.

Oh, and I broke my spectacles. Getting new pair this Friday. It's transparent! =D

I know you suffered
But I don't want you to hide
It's cold and loveless
I won't let you be denied

I'll make you feel pure
Trust me
You can be sure

I want to reconcile the violence in your heart
I want to recognize your beauty is not just a mask
I want to exorcise the demons from your past
I want to satisfy the undisclosed desires in your heart

You take your lovers that you're wicked and divine
You may be a sinner
But your innocence is mine

Please me
Show me how it's done
Tease me
You are the one

Not a new song, but I still love it =D

Entered The Dark Horizon At [8:16 PM] Sharp.


About Me

Basic Info

Hello. Welcome to my blog. Like me, feel free to do anything you want, but please respect the rules. Hate me, your problem.

Name: Si Jia, you don't have to know my surname =)
Nicknames: Watermelon, Supermarket Salesgirl, Xi Jia =)
Date of Birth: 14/04/1997
School: BBSS
Horoscope: Aries =)
Living On: Earth
Not exam-smart.

Drinks: Sprite, 100 plus, Plain water, Honey, Vitagen, etc.
Movies: 2012, Avatar, Ratatouille, etc.
Songs: A lot.
Singers: -shrugs- Linkin Park, Boys like Girls
Cartoon: Smurfs. Pokemon. Digimon. (Yes, I still watch them out of boredom. Laugh all you want). Animes: KHR, Bleach, Naruto, D.Gray-Man, POT, Vampire Knight, etc.

Real friends. Trustworthy people. People who really understand me, like them. =) Hanging out. Badminton. Tennis. Swimming, etc. Animes. Computers. Songs. Blue colour. Causal clothing.


Drinks: Coke. Coca-Cola. Pepsi.
Movies: Forgotten.
Songs: A lot.
Cartoon: Who knows.
Braggers. Backstabbers. Gossipers. Spammers. Stupid chain mails. Irritating people. People who laugh at other people and do not know their positions, like him.




- Grow to a height of 170 cm or above.
- Improvement in results for the whole of next semester.
- Have more time for family bonding/friends gatherings.
- Achieve a silver or gold in swimming for next semester.
- Become smarter.
- Improve on badminton and tennis skills.
- Get top 15 in class for overall.
- Catch up on all half-watched animes.
- Learn 4 other foreign languages.
- Have better stamina. OH GOD.
- Complete this list ASAP.
Loved ones

Lee You
Si Ying
Chen Zung
Rae Ann
Yi Lin
Science Inspire
Mr Wee
Zheng Jun
Jung Jung


Just drop a tag here. Type anything you want, but kindly no spamming and no showing of the colourful vocabulary you have. Respect the rules. Thank you.